1.4 million working men and women are dues paying members of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.
Dues provide the resources to stand up for:
- good jobs and benefits,
- decent working conditions
- and a better future for our families.
That's why union members in private industry earn 38 percent more on average than nonunion workers. They also receive 54 percent more in benefits.
None of this would be possible without the strength that comes from our Teamsters dues.
The improvements in pay and benefits you get with a Teamster contract outweigh the cost of your dues, usually by a huge margin. The improvements in your working conditions and in the dignity with which you are treated are immeasurable.
Teamster dues average two hours pay per month. An organization that works for you is worth paying for.
Withdrawal Card
A withdrawal card stops your dues obligation so it is in your best interest to request one when needed. Please go to the link "Request a Withdrawal Card" for more information or download the form here.
Change of Address
If you have changed your address and have not informed the Local please do so immediately. You may download the form
The Change of address form is a "fill-in" Adobe Acrobat form. For your convenience you may fill in the form and return it via E-Mail as follows:
Save a copy of this form on your computer. Fill in the required fields and send your form as an email attachment to sdeluisi@team830.org
For ease of identification, name your completed change of address pdf document as follows:
Last First COA YYYY MM DD .pdf [example: Doe John COA 2008 0115.pdf]
You may also return the form via mail or fax. The address and fax number are on the Change of Address form.
Call: Local: (215) 671-9850 ~ Toll Free: (800) 321-9850